Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Raden Wijaya.

Raden Wijaya is the name commonly applied by historians to refer to the founder of Majapahit Kingdom. This name is contained in Pararaton written around the end of the 15th century. Somepermanences Pararaton then wrote it in full, namely Raden Harsawijaya. Yet according to the memorial statue grow up, during the life Wijaya (Century 13 or 14) use raden fee simple has not been in good odor. Nagarakretagama written in the intermediatory of the 14th century called the founder of Majapahit named Dyah Wijaya. Dyah cryptonym is a denominate of brilliance that congregational at that omnisciency and became the forerunners of the drop head Raden. Raden own terms is estimated to under construction from the word Dyah or Ra Ra Ra Dyan or Hadyan. The...

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Kings of Majapahit kingdon

Kertarajasa Jayawardhana (Raden Wijaa) (1293-1309), Jayanegara (1309-1328), Tribhuana Tunggadewi (1328-1350), Rajasanagara (Hayam Wuruk) (1350-1389), Wikramawardhana (1390-1428), Suhita (1429 to 1447 ), Dyah Kertawijaya (1447-1451), Rajasawardhana (1451-1453), Girishawardana (1456-1466), Suraprabhawa (Singhawikramawadhana) (1466-1474), Girindrawardhana Dyah Wijayakarana (1468-1478), Singhawardhana Dyah Wijayakusuma (according Pararaton becomes King of Majapahit for 4 months before he died suddenly) (? - 1486), Girindharwardhana Dyah Ranawijaya aka Bhre Kertabumi (allegedly as a Brawijaya, , according to the Book of Pararaton and Suma Oriental bouquet of Tome Pires in 1513) (1474-15...

Jumat, 29 April 2011


For my friend who has a hobby my adventure as he .. he .. whether it is traveling, climbed mountains, exploration, or the other. Well here I will share tips on how to buy the equipment mountain climbing and camping in the wild open. I will discuss tips on how to buy the equipment up the mountain is good. Among the equipment that I will discuss is the sleeping bag buying tips, buying tips Backpacks, and tips on buying a tent. Why do I discuss 3 of the equipment?, Yup, because the three tools are equipment that must exist in the wild mountain climbing and camping is open. Here are the tips.   Tips to buy sleeping bag.• Notice when and where slepping bag will be used. Buy a sleeping bag that will be used in extreme weather conditions...

Kamis, 28 April 2011

In Ear Piercing Can Cause Paralysis.

Jakarta. Ear piercing is a simple procedure. Risks that may occur only allergy or infection. But be careful if an infection could trigger other diseases can even be in the form of paralysis. Ear piercing is an ancient civilization that has made human ancestors since 5000 years ago. Children or adults who will perform ear piercing that is undergoing the same procedure until translucent cartilage piercing to the back. Although the procedure has been well served by not a few people who have an infection due to ear piercing. This infection is a risk yan always appear even if sterile procedures were followed. This infection can sometimes cause serious illness. As experienced Grace Etherington, ABG age of 15 years this British have suffered paralysis...

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