Jumat, 29 April 2011


For my friend who has a hobby my adventure as he .. he .. whether it is traveling, climbed mountains, exploration, or the other. Well here I will share tips on how to buy the equipment mountain climbing and camping in the wild open. I will discuss tips on how to buy the equipment up the mountain is good. Among the equipment that I will discuss is the sleeping bag buying tips, buying tips Backpacks, and tips on buying a tent. Why do I discuss 3 of the equipment?, Yup, because the three tools are equipment that must exist in the wild mountain climbing and camping is open. Here are the tips.   Tips to buy sleeping bag.• Notice when and where slepping bag will be used. Buy a sleeping bag that will be used in extreme weather conditions...

Kamis, 28 April 2011

In Ear Piercing Can Cause Paralysis.

Jakarta. Ear piercing is a simple procedure. Risks that may occur only allergy or infection. But be careful if an infection could trigger other diseases can even be in the form of paralysis. Ear piercing is an ancient civilization that has made human ancestors since 5000 years ago. Children or adults who will perform ear piercing that is undergoing the same procedure until translucent cartilage piercing to the back. Although the procedure has been well served by not a few people who have an infection due to ear piercing. This infection is a risk yan always appear even if sterile procedures were followed. This infection can sometimes cause serious illness. As experienced Grace Etherington, ABG age of 15 years this British have suffered paralysis...

10 Human Brain Mysteries unsolved

Never mind the natural surroundings, we ourselves were still many question marks. The human brain can be likened to a computer processor. The difference is, processor performance can be described in logic, while our brains are not. There are ten mystery that still surrounds the ins and outs of the human brain. Scientists are still trying to find scientific explanations. But still the mystery of God's creation is the secret of life exceptional. Here are 10 mysteries surrounding the human brain that we experience everyday, but still we are unable to find the cause. 1. Awareness When you wake up in the morning, we woke up from sleep. Enjoy the sunshine of the crack in the window, nan cool morning air, and so on. We call it consciousness. This...

How beautiful the earth is full of natural color and the color of life. but is now slowly fade and slowly destroyed by greed. I never again see the butterflies berterbamgan, surrounding a growing interest in the park all Wherever disappear in swallow earth And that there is only rubble. Tolonhlah return Alamku Do not bother them kw This world was barren without them Please return Alamku I want the same again Beautiful blossoms and at ease throughout the ...

JAKARTA - Fire destroys large furniture store and warehouse, vespa repair shop, aquarium shop, and paint shops, allegedly caused a short circuit. Metro Police Kanitreskrim AKP Prayitno Kebayoran Lama said, according to the results of Genesis Place Sports Case (TKP), while, the fire originated from electric short circuit originating from a furniture store owned by Ahong. ''Yes, provisional estimates for short-circuits from the furniture store warehouse,''said the AKP Prayitno, Jakarta, Thursday (28/04/2011). The fire began raging since 03.00 pm. Suddenly enlarged direct fire from a furniture store owned by Ahong and spread to other shops. Difficulty firefighters to extinguish the fire because goods shop store flammable. In fact, the fire...

Origins of Human Language Revealed

A study recently released reveals the mystery of the origins of human language used. Science Magazine 15 April 2011 edition reveals, the language used by humans first emerged in southern Africa. From there later this language spread throughout dunia.Peneliti from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, Quentin Atkinson, conducted a study to explore the track record by breaking 504 languages ​​language into the smallest components called phonemes. Phonemes derived from the Latin, phonema, meaning the spoken voice. Research shows, the more diversity of phonemes which is owned by a language indicates that the source language from other languages ​​that have fewer phonemes. His research came to the conclusion that the further a group of humans...

Create a blog on Blogspot Guide

1. What is a Blog? Blog is sigkatan from "Web log" is one web application in the form of writings commonly referred to as the post on a web page. The writings are often sorted from the latest and followed by a long time. Initially, the blog was created as a personal records are stored online, but now the contents of a blog is very varied which contains tutorials (eg this blog), vent, business and so forth. In general, the blog is no different to sites on the Internet. Flatform blog or often referred to as a blog engine designed as such by the designer blog so easy to use. First, to create a web application programming required knowledge of HTML, PHP, CSS, etc., everything becomes easier with blogs as easy as calling the numbers 1 2 3.  2....

Rabu, 27 April 2011

Message from Earth Inhabitants

Spacecraft Pioneer 10 and 11 carry a plaque (plaque) that contains the message of humanity in the hope that one day the plane was carrying placards with this will be found by intelligent beings from other civilizations beyond Earth. Plaque contains sketch drawings of men and women who stood in front of the plane. Right-hand man raised as a sign of good faith. Posture of men and women depicted is the result of computer analysis of the posture of the average human being on Earth The key to translate the contents of these plaques is the understanding of the separation of the most common element in the universe: hydrogen. This element is illustrated in the upper left corner of the placard in the form of a perfect scheme showing the transition...

Human resources qualified intellectually and morally

Challenges to the community cares most recently the problem of knowledge of human resources (HR). Anything as good as purchased technology, the equipment is prepared, funds disbursed, etc., remain human resources behind the most plays. Although automation has penetrated into all lines, without any human resources who could operate it, it becomes useless goods. Similarly, about a moral issue. If science and technology described as a knife with two sides, only the ethics-conscious human resources who can avoid moral hazard. Thus, the development of quality human resources in intellectual and moral is a very urgent problem. In developing science and technology, to build interest in the younger generation continues to be driven by the developed...

ZigBee, Wireless Technology Future

In general Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) has a maximum communication distance of 10m only. Shorter compared to the Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN). ZigBee is in the WPAN with Bluetooth and UWB (Ultra Wide Band). Third tekologi now this is what is becoming the world's attention in the field of technology, WPAN, ZigBee, especially the still relatively new. ZigBee also included in the IEEE 802.15 family of standards along with Bluetooth (802.15.1) and UWB (802.15.3) with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard code. Compared with Bluetooth and UWB, ZigBee only have a maximum communication speed of 250kbps only. Maximum communication distance was short (10m 70m). But ZigBee has the advantage in a very easy operation, a small, inexpensive and requires...

Pressing Distance Communication Costs with 'IP Phone'

Unlike our country, the cost of communication in Japan at this time of year to year is low. If in the era of the 90s, the cost per 3 minute local call is 10 yen, so this time for long-distance call costs only 7.5 yen per 3 minutes. International call charges were demkian. Until 2001 to call from Japan to Indonesia for approximately 7 minutes will cost about 1000 yen. But now with 1000 yen in Japan we can do conversation - Indonesia for 120 minutes.Many factors that cause communication costs in Japan were increasingly cheap. In particular the role of government itself that orders the company owned telecommunications giant NTT to not monopolize the copper line has. This command is issued after Japan suffered bottlenecks in the development...

Selasa, 26 April 2011

Sleep when the lights cause cancer

Caused by cancer can turn on lights when sleep-at least this statement desebutkan by a scientist who conducted the study, in which the body needs the dark atmosphere of the time would produce one cancer-fighting enzymes, and the following to learn more about cancer Due to turn on the lights at bedtimeYangg children sleep with the lights on at risk of leukemia.The scientists found that the body needs in a dark atmosphere to produce cancer-fighting chemicals. Even when the turned on the light toilet, stayed up late, traveling across time zones, street lights to stop the production of melatonin substances.The body requires chemicals to prevent DNA damage and lack of substance melatonin will stop fatty acids into the tumor and prevent...

Really, Milk is not good for consumption.

There is no creature in this world that when an adult is still drinking milk except human. Look at the cow, goat, buffalo, or whatever: it is no longer kids will not drink milk. Why are people such behavior violates the natural way?"It's the milk factory that continues to advertise its products," said Prof. Dr. Hiromi Shinya, author of best-selling book: The Miracle of Enzyme (Wonders of the enzyme), which was published in the Indonesian language with the same title. In fact, he said, cow's milk is the food / drink most bad for humans. People should just drink human milk. As calves are also only drink cow's milk. Where there are human calf to drink milk, he said.Why is milk bad for most people? In fact, he said, could be a cause of osteoporosis?...

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